Saturday, 19 November 2011

Tamborine Mountain

We all arrived safely on Tambourine Mountain. 

This is the view from the house where we are staying. 

This is the garden. 

And this is the house next door. 

We found this old fashioned stove on the balcony. We were a bit disappointed that it wasn't connected any more as it looks like a lot of fun to light. Later on we were quite glad that there was an efficient modern fire in the living room as it gets quite cold on the mountain in the evening and it kept us nice and cosy and warm. 

After we had explored the house and unpacked our bags we popped down the road to visit the house where Chelsea and her family were staying. While Mrs P was sitting at the dining table having a cup of tea, an ENORMOUS spider came crawling towards her foot. 

Brave Mr P caught it inside a glass while Mrs P stood on the coffee table on the other side of the room! We thought it might be a huntsman spider but we weren't sure. 

There was lots of other wildlife at this house. Here's a kookaburra that came and perched on Chelsea's grandad's car.

He looks as if he is admiring his own reflection in the window! 

After all this excitement, we went to the Fox and Hounds for dinner. Everyone said we would feel at home there because it is like a real British pub. When we had driven through Brisbane, we had driven past crowds of people sitting on the banks of the river waiting to see the Queen, who was visiting Brisbane at the time. Because of this, when Mrs P's sister said, "Oh look, there's the Queen inside!" we all thought, for just a second that perhaps the Queen had popped in for a quiet drink. We were wrong! This is who we saw: 

Chelsea took photographs of us all with the Queen using her DS. She has a program on her DS that tells you if two people in any photograph are related so she tried it on us all. 

The programme decided that Chelsea and the Queen were 40% related, ie cousins! I'm really not sure that the program is 100% accurate as it said that Chelsea and her mum weren't related at all! 

We had a lot of fun laughing at that while we waited for our dinner to be served. Here's a picture of Chelsea's mum so you can decide for yourself if they look like they are related. 

Here's Mrs P's younger son who had just arrived from the UK ready for the wedding. He's not the one who is getting married. He's sitting with Chelsea's uncle and his girlfriend. 

Once we had eaten our dinner we went back to our houses for an early night so that we could get plenty of beauty sleep before the wedding.

Hooroo for now! Next time, I'll tell you all about the wedding. 

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